my pets

hello I will be tell you all about my pets I have now and then . I will tell you what pets I have now. I have fish there are sharks I have no name for them but i do have a dog named Gemma. Now I will tell you my pet from the past. one of them are named Luna its a girl she grow to 4 human years we had to put her down because she started to bite me and my brothers.  also had 5 guinea pigs I can only remember some of there name because it was when i was like 5 or 4 so stick with me one of them were name was  pancake because  the color of her looked like a pancake.





you should go check out my friend max go see his blog: http//

things i like about school

I like math, science,   things i like out of class i like p.e. recess, and lunch , and U.A.(universal access). I like math because the challenges i like to do. I like science because first saw it in moves then I new i was going to be a sciences or a paleontologist. i like p.e because i like sports of all kind such as soccer, basketball , and hula hoop tag. I like U.A. because you get to learn a hole new thing in a different class room and form a different teacher. And of course my teacher mis. simpson she lets us choose chairs.


Gary’s mod

In this game i found named Gary’s mod you can have vehicles, and tools. you can get planes ,people shush as as police man, fighter jet, helicopters, and many more. I shod this game to my friend named max he loved the game and you should play it it has grate graphics. And their is a story mode.

all about me

Hi my name is Ian I am about ten years old I have been in DeVargas for five years.     


                                                    This is me in the first day of school in 2nd grade 

Things i like


I like dinosaurs movies such as jurassic park, and star wars. My friends are max, lexie ,and esteban.


my family : I have 3 brothers and a mom and dad. My baby brother is named max. My bigger  brother named sean and an even a bigger brother named Brendan.